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Stratigraphic Lexicon: The Onshore Cenozoic Sedimentary Formations of The Republic of Panama. By Jacques LeBlanc, 2021, Biosis: Biological Systems, vol. 2/1, 1-173.

The stratigraphic knowledge of Panama was, until now, spread over hundreds of scientific/geologic publications written during the past 120 years. The construction of the Panama Canal during the early twentieth century helped galvanizing the engineering and geological disciplines to understand the tectonic, sedimentation and biodiversity of the Cenozoic Era in this part of the world. Later, few petroleum companies arrived on the scene and contributed to our knowledge of the sub-surface. The past thirty years saw a surge of studies by many institutions in areas away from the Canal, such as in Darien, Azuero Peninsula, Bocas del Toro, and the Burica Peninsula near the Costa Rica Border. Our most recent knowledge came from the widening of the Panama Canal between 2007 and 2016. It is from all these older and recent studies that the present Lexicon draws its content. It provides the historical background of all described geological units in Panama and summarizes the lithological and paleontological knowledge of each units in an easy-to-search format.


Jaques Le Blanc




The team to bring the Lexicon online:

* Jacques LeBlanc, compiler of the stratigraphic units * Wen Du, converting to Lexicon-upload format, creating a TSCreator datapack and uploading of images to the website * Gabi Ogg, drafting of stratigraphic columns and hotlinks for the lexicon interface * Lexicon programming team (see About in https://geolex.org)